The EYFS was introduced in 2008 and revised in 2017. It is the curriculum which is compulsory for all early years’ childcare providers to follow and covers the requirements for education and welfare of children from birth to 5 years of age. As such, learning and development for children at pre-school is delivered in accordance with the EYFS and this curriculum continues during the reception year of school, providing consistency in children’s education and learning experiences.
The EYFS is a play-based curriculum which seeks to inspire children to develop the characteristics required to become effective learners, something they will need throughout their time at school. There are 3 characteristics:
Four guiding principles shape practice in Early Years settings;
The EYFS sets out the areas of learning and development, which shape the activities and experiences we offer at pre-school. There are seven areas of learning and development, all of which are important and inter-connected. Three areas are of particular importance:
There are four further specific areas of learning and development through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied:
Churchill Pre-School offers an interesting and stimulating learning environment, which is essential to support and encourage children to take the necessary unique steps along their individual developmental pathway. The experiences we offer are designed to deepen understanding of the prime and specific areas of learning and development in readiness for school and life. Your child’s allocated key person will plan for your child as an individual to ensure that they are supported in line with EYFS, specifically catering for their needs and interests, and with reference to their current level of development.
We hope this explains a little about the EYFS, however, the Pre-School Leader, or your child’s key person, will be happy to explain further if you would like to know more.