- We offer full daycare from 8:45 am to 3:15 pm. We also offer optional breakfast club and a lunch club to extend the morning session.
- We have spaces for children from the age of two and offer places in line with the two-year-old funding scheme aimed at low-income families and looked-after children.
- We are registered to take 26 children per session. For non-funded children, the cost is £21.00(3yrs +) and £23.00 (2yrs +) per session or £42.00 and £46.00 respectively for
a full day (two sessions). The lunch club is an additional £12.50 when extending a morning only session. For funded children, there is a £2.50
charge per session. There is also an additional £1.00 per session sustainability supplement applied, which is optional but encouraged. This covers the cost of trips, weekly forest school, snacks,
tapestry and any extracurricular activities.
- Breakfast club is an additional £10.00 per session, starting at 8 am, and a start time of 8.45 for an
additional £2.50 is also available.
- We dedicate Monday sessions to children starting school in the next academic year allowing us to offer more structured activities to promote independence and help support children’s
‘readiness for school’.
- We have close links to the local primary schools, to help provide a good transition for children entering their reception class.
- We have a large indoor space which enables us to offer a wide range of child-led activities during each session and offer regular baking, cooking and craft activities for all children.
- We have access to the local play area and surrounding fields, giving the children opportunities to explore their local community and to embrace nature.
- We plan regular trips to local farms, garden centers etc and welcome visits to preschool from emergency services, storytellers etc, to provide children with first-hand experiences.
- Each child has their own key worker and their progress is recorded in their individual learning diary, which is accessible to parents/carers at all times.
- We embrace cultural diversity and encourage family involvement with events such as Chinese New Year, Easter and Christmas. We value each child as an individual and celebrate their birthdays by
baking cakes and making their day special.
- We operate a Library system in which children can borrow books to share at home and which support literacy development.
- Churchill Pre-School liaises with a variety of agencies to provide additional support when required i.e. speech and language specialists, thus creating a multi-agency approach.